Helensburgh Parish Church is a lovely setting for your special day.
See below for details of our buildings and what you can expect.
Please note that an inquiry form must be filled out and returned to the Church Office prior to booking.

A word from the Minister:

A wedding ceremony is a celebration of the sacred covenant between two people and the Lord our God. The music, readings and liturgy of this church service will be rooted in Christian traditions and will honour and glorify the God who joins the couple in Christian marriage.

The service proclaims that marriage is a gift created by God, blessed by our Lord Jesus Christ and sustained by the Holy Spirit. It presumes that you both share the belief that marriage is a life-long covenant of mutual love, faithfulness and service. It also presumes you want your wedding to take place in the church as an expression of your own faith and desire to have God as an ongoing partner in your marriage.

Marriage is a gift God has given to all humankind for the well-being of the entire human family and we take this very seriously, approaching each wedding with the same level of thoughtfulness and sanctity as a worship service on Sunday morning.

We have outlined a few details below about what you can expect. If you wish to marry at Helensburgh Parish Church please complete the Wedding Inquiry Form and a member of staff will get back to you in due course. 


Booking & Fees

Fees are payable for all weddings held in Helensburgh Parish Church. The normal fee is £480 which consists of a contribution (£300) towards the upkeep of the church and fees for the Church Officer (£80) and the Organist (£100). If you would wish to book additional rooms, all prices listed under the “Room Booking” section apply.

For members of Helensburgh Parish Church and their immediate family a reduced fee of £380 is payable.

A non-returnable deposit of £100 is payable at the time of booking and the balance of all fees must be paid to the Church Office at least 2 weeks before the wedding.



Photography within the church is strictly controlled. A professional photographer may take a photograph (without flash) from the east gallery during the first hymn. No photographs (with or without flash) may be taken from the congregation until the appropriate point in the ceremony when the minister will invite the guests to take a photograph. There is no restriction on photographs at the church door after the ceremony. 


Flowers & Hymns

Flowers are very welcome and we would be grateful if some flowers could remain for the following Sunday and thereafter will be distributed by the Minister to appropriate recipients. Please do let us know if you will not be leaving any flowers.

The hymns below are often used at wedding services. It is normal to begin with a psalm or hymn of praise and to end with a marriage hymn, but it is your wedding, this is a starting point. The numbers refer to The Church Hymnary Fourth Edition (CH4) which can be found in the church.




When members of the Church Choir or additional musical services are required, this will be the subject of a private arrangement between the Organist and the wedding party.

When a video recording of the wedding ceremony is made, an additional fee of £100 is payable to the Organist in lieu of copyright (audio recording £50).

The Minister receives no part of any fees and there is no charge for his services.

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