Belong, Believe, Grow and Serve:
nurturing and inspiring our faith community
to transform lives for Christ.
Actively engage in outreach and evangelism to encourage new and dormant members to participate in the life and work of the church.
Strengthen and grow a sustainable faith community that welcomes diversity, is open and caring, and engages in the church’s daily work and community outreach.
Aid the continued development of an efficient and sustainable church that is vibrant, diverse and inclusive; that creates opportunities to get to know God and to then share God with the community.
Since 1998 this church has been supplying ‘Starter Packs’ to individuals or families as they move from homelessness into more settled accommodation.
These packs are supplied free of charge by us to whichever social work agency is arranging the move. The majority of our packs are supplied on request to the local Homeless Unit of Argyll & Bute Council.
This is not a work unique to Helensburgh. Many communities, particularly our big cities, have Starter Pack schemes in operation, some based on recycling donated second hand items. In our scheme, we buy new items which are delivered by a small number of people out of a very small store at the back of the church. Each pack includes a letter from the church with good wishes, a gospel of Mark, and a £20 voucher which can be exchanged for goods from the Beacon Trust Charity shop .
Starter Packs issued in last 4 years
2020 2021 2022 2023
No of packs issued 23 10 19 22
Average cost/pack £78 £67 £77 £111
Grants are made to a variety of registered charities working in areas of need both at home and abroad.
Members contribute to this fund which was created many years ago by donations and legacies.
The number of grants made each year is in the range from 15-20.
Wellbeing packs are gifts of essential toiletries, issued to those seeking help at refuge or housing agencies, in partnership with the Council, Carr Gomm, Beacon Trust, and Women's Aid, who distribute the packs. Each pack costs us £15 unless items are donated. The packs are gifted in a reusable gym bag and contents include; face cloth, soap, shower gel, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant, sanitary wear, comb, hair brush, razors, nail brush, emery board, socks, and towel.
Wellbeing Packs issued in 2023:
Women Men
Via Homeless Dep 20 21
Vulnerable adults 14 8 Via Beacon Trust 4 3
Via Car Gomm 10 10 Total 2023 48 42
Total in 2022 46 38
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